Jump to 1, 2, 3, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W
1 (1)
2 (1)
3 (1)
9 (1)
A (33)
- “Admission to the Lord’s Supper”: An Initial Response
- A Better World Is at Hand
- A Call for a New Mind Regarding War and the Military
- A Call for Discussion
- A Commentary on Biology and Theology
- A Critique of “Admission to the Lord’s Supper”
- A Declaration of Eucharistic Understanding and Practice
- A Fable
- A Letter from a Gay Christian
- A Lifelong LCMS Member and the CTCR
- A Lutheran Pope?
- A Personal, Pastoral Critique of the CTCR Response to “Recognizing the Body of Christ”
- A Remnant’s Vision
- A Review of “Reenvisioning Theological Education”
- A Review of Roland Allen’s The Ministry of Expansion
- A Statement (“Statement of the 44”)
- A Take on Art & Theology
- A Time to Confess
- A Waltherian Moment
- Ablaze? Or Merely Flaming?
- An Argument for Women Pastors and Theologians
- An Eerie Parallel
- An Evangelical-Lutheran Approach to the Questions of Abortion
- An Open Letter to District President Linnemann
- An Open Letter to Pr. Dan Gilbert, President of the Northern Illinois District of the LCMS
- An Unfolding Perspective on Poverty
- Any Friend of Jesus is a Friend of Mine
- Apocalypse, Jubilee, and Church
- Appreciating Johannes von Hofmann*
- Arrogance Born of Ignorance
- Article on which the Church Stands or Falls
- At Ease (Sermon)
- Avoid Them
B (9)
- “…because it is a woman….”
- Babylonian Captivity of the Church
- Banks’ Reenvisioning Theological Education (Review Article)
- Becker’s Self-Giving God (Review Article)
- Bertram’s A Time for Confessing (Review Article)
- Beyond the Open Door: 21st-Century Trends and Issues in the LCMS
- Bombin’ Down the Avenue
- Bonhoeffer (Review Article)
- By Way of Introduction
C (15)
- Christ and the Church
- Christ’s Communion: “Recognizing the Body of Christ”
- Christian Churchmanship (Editorial)
- Christian Theology, the Doctrine of Creation, and Scientific Knowledge
- Community vs. Belief
- Concordia: A Brief Response to the Decision of the Commission on Doctrinal Review
- Concordia: A Reader’s Edition (Review Article)
- Confessionex
- Conflict, Confession, and Unity
- Congregational Goals: Who Sets Them?
- Control
- CTCR Response to Pr. Howard Patten’s Essay, “Recognizing the Body of Christ”
- Cyprian’s Plague: On Mortality
- Cyprian’s Plague: On Mortality (Part 2)
- Cyprian’s Plague: On Mortality (Part 3)
D (12)
- Deacons/Pastors?
- Defining Terms or Defined by Terms
- Diaconate: The Biblical Basis for the Ministry of Deacons
- Discovering Biblical Equality (Review Article)
- Distance Learning
- Do I HAVE TO Go to Church? (A Sermon)
- Do Women Have Gifts For Ministry?
- Does God Play Favorites? (Sermon)
- Doing Theology in Our Christian Calling
- Doing Theology with People who Have Disabilities
- Don’t Speak of Love; Show Me
E (9)
- Ecumenism and Our Identity
- Education for the Mission: What Good Is Theology
- Election Controversy
- Enough Is Enough
- Evangelical – What’s in a Name?
- Evangelical Theology for Post-Denominational Christianity
- Evangelism of the Kingdom
- Expanding the Concept of Scripture
- Explanations of the 95 Theses on Church Control
F (11)
- Fear
- Fear II
- Fear III
- First Presidential Address (1848)
- For Crying Out Loud
- For the Record
- Freedom for Ministry in the Lutheran Confessional Writings
- Freedom to Be Faithful
- Freedom to Serve: Women as Pastors
- From Mission to Ministry
- Future of Theology
G (3)
H (7)
- Hearts Ablaze
- Here I Fall
- Heresy in Missouri?
- Holy Scripture in the Thought of Martin Luther
- Hope for a Time Like This (Sermon)
- Hospice Reflections on John 11
- Howard Patten’s Letter to the LCMS District Presidents
I (9)
- Implications of the Advisory Nature of Synod
- In Response to the CCM Opinion of July 3, 2014
- Informal Reflections on Women Pastors and Theologians
- Insiders and Outsiders
- Interpretations: Constitutional and Biblical
- Is a Woman without a Voice Justified?
- Is Lutheran Higher Education for the Church?
- Is There a Lutheran Difference?
- Is This a Bonhoeffer Moment?
J (2)
L (15)
- Latin America Moves to the Left
- LCMS 2000: Advice for an Advisory Synod
- LCMS, Christian Nationalism, and the Risk to our Faith
- Learning from the Global Church
- Let’s Include Women in the Pastoral Office
- Letter to the Christian Nobility of the World
- Letter to the LCMS’s CTCR
- Listening
- Living in the Rear-View Mirror (A Sermon)
- Lord, Bless This Mess, Please!
- Luther’s Doctrine of the Two Kingdoms in Today’s World
- Lutheran Education Is Catechistic
- Lutheran Zionism
- Lutheran/Roman Catholic Dialogues since 1965
- Lutheranism
M (8)
- “Marriage Policies” of the LCMS
- Martin Marty’s Martin Luther (Review Article)
- Mary of Nazareth, a Master Teacher
- Ministry of All the Baptized… and Some of the Unbaptized
- Ministry under the Cross
- Models of Adam
- Murphy’s The Cosmos in the Light of the Cross (Review Article)
- Murray’s Law, Life, and the Living God (Review Article)
N (5)
- “Not” – Resolution 4-06 Task Force Report
- Naming the Devils
- Neurobiology of Gender
- No Stones Will Speak for Me!
- Not Our Children’s Church
O (12)
- Objective and Subjective Justification: How Shall We Be Judged?
- Offence
- On “Creationist” Discussions in the LCMS
- On Creation and Evolution
- On Fences and Fears
- On Jon Nelson
- On the Corner of Insurgentes and Reforma
- On the Liberty of the Christian
- On the Wrong Application of “Freedom of Religion”
- Oneness and the Circumcision Controversy at Ephesus
- Orphaned No More (Sermon)
P (4)
Q (2)
R (13)
- Reaffirming the Mission Affirmations: Were the Mission Affirmations Ever Disaffirmed?
- Recognizing the Body of Christ: Theology of Glory or Theology of the Cross?
- Reflections on Theological Education
- Reformation Homily
- Reformation Irony
- Reformation Today
- Reformationsfest 2007
- Remembering Concordia Senior College
- Remembering Wayne Saffen
- Rethinking Christ’s Mission to America
- Rethinking Evangelism in America
- Rites and Wrongs in God’s Lifetime
- Roland Allen Republished
S (10)
- Sanctity of Life: The Complexities of the Abortion Issue
- Schleiermacher’s Christmas Eve (Review Article)
- Sermon at the Funeral of Pastor Richard Gahl
- Sermon Preached at the Funeral of David Truemper (Sermon)
- Seven Roads and Seven Realities under an Ecumenical Rainbow
- Ship of Fools
- Social Ministry and Church Fellowship
- Some Theses on Freedom and Discipline in the Christian Church
- Some Thoughts on “Order of Creation”
- Statement of the Forty-four and the Evangelical Imagination
T (69)
- Talking Points about Doctrinal Authority in the LCMS
- Teaching Evolution in a Lutheran University
- Tell the Truth. Then Run (Sermon)
- The “Parabola Theory” of Time and Eternity
- The Advisory Nature of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod
- The Anatomy of a Court Case: Grace Lutheran Church vs. the LCMS
- The Binding Nature of Synodical Resolutions
- The Blessed Duel
- The Caliphate and the Kingdom
- The Call to Good Citizenship
- The Case of Missionary Adolph Brux
- The Church Catholic in Mission
- The Church is Christ’s Mission to Society
- The Church is Christ’s Mission to the Church
- The Church is Christ’s Mission to the Whole Person
- The Church is Christ’s Mission to the Whole World
- The Church Is God’s Mission
- The Colossian Mission Model
- The Creator’s Tapestry (Review Article)
- The Ecumenical Vision
- The Elastic Lutheran Polity
- The Experiment That Failed
- The God of Creation or Eternal Universe(s)
- The Impossible Dream: LCMS Fellowship with Other Lutherans
- The Intelligent Design Approach
- The Kingdom Church
- The Kingdom of God is Near for a World in Crisis
- The Kingdom Ours Remaineth
- The Lamb Is Our Shepherd!
- The LCMS Mission Affirmations of 1965–Then and Now
- The Marvin M. Schwan Charitable Foundation and the LCMS Board of Directors
- The Ministry of the Baptized
- The Ministry of the Baptized (Editorial)
- The Ministry of Women: Hermeneutics, Exegesis, and Theology
- The Naked Truth
- The Nature of Heaven
- The New Tribe
- The Orders of Creation—Some Reflections on the History and Place of the Term in Systematic Theology
- The Practice of the Reformation
- The Preus Brothers, Herman Otten Jr., and the Purge of Missouri (Review Article)
- The Priesthood of ALL the Baptized
- The Progress of Christian Unity
- The Promising Tradition
- The Purpose of the Church
- The Remnant
- The Same Yesterday, Today, and Forever
- The Scandal of the LCMS Mind
- The Science and Religion Dialogue
- The Spirit Frees Us through the Gospel to Grow in Love
- The State of the Church: Tomorrow
- The Stumbling Block
- The Synodical Conference: Ecumenical Endeavor
- The Testimony of the Spirit
- The Turns in Ministry through Seminex
- The Whole Church Is Christ’s Mission
- Theological Echoes and Tensions in Bonhoeffer’s Discipleship[1]
- Theses on Fellowship at the Lord’s Supper
- Theses on Women in the Church – Part One
- Theses on Women in the Church – Part Three
- Theses on Women in the Church – Part Two
- Thinking about Judas
- This War
- Thoughts for Pastors Regarding the Election
- Time Will Tell
- To Be Female and Called by God to Speak
- Toward an Uncommon Churchmanship
- Transformation of the Church
- Twin Towers of Babel and Confusion
U (1)
V (1)
W (14)
- We Have Only Done What We Ought to Have Done
- What Is Daystar?
- What’s an Exile to Expect?
- What’s In a Name?
- Where Do We Go From Here?
- Who Are We? A Personal Reflection
- Who Do You Think You Are? (A Sermon)
- Who Is Reconciled?
- Why Do They Keep Coming?
- Will There Still Be a Lutheran Ministry?
- Wisdom from Walther
- Wittenberg and Missional Ecumenism
- Women in a Man’s World: Observations on Ministry in the LCMS
- Women’s Ministry in the Mission of the Church