
By Robert Schmidt                At its recent convention, the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod resolved to deal with the question of licensed deacons. The President is to create a task force to develop a plan “to resolve questions about individuals who are not rightly called (prepared, examined, called and ordained) serving congregations of The Lutheran…
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Not Our Children’s Church

By Stewart Marshall As a member of synod I am relatively young.  As a pastor, I am part of the largest age group within Synod. I attended my sixth convention this year.  I have been a delegate or observer to the conventions of the Synod since 1998. This was my third time attending as a…
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Time Will Tell

By Rob Hartwell I observed the LC—MS Convention from a slightly different perspective this year (2013). Although I have been at prior conventions, this was my first as an advisory delegate. Freed from voting and perched in the back of the expansive hall, I had plenty of time to watch and reflect on the convention….
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Where Do We Go From Here?

By Ron Biel Attending my fourth (and last) LCMS Convention this summer, I left feeling hurt as again witnessing what goes against my Gospel Grain.  New laws and rules and regulations – who may we exclude from the Sacrament which Jesus offers to all who have need of it, and for us to thereby remember…
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