“Admission to the Lord’s Supper”: An Initial Response

Lloyd Goetz, William J. Hassold, John F. Johnson, George Loose, Victor Mennicke, and Edgar Trinklein   The document Admission to the Lord’s Supper: Basics of Biblical and Confessional Teaching [ALS][1] is the response of the Commission on Theology and Church Relations [CTCR] to Resolution 3-05 of the 1998 convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod [LCMS], which was in turn a response to A Declaration…
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The Synodical Conference: Ecumenical Endeavor

The Synodical Conference: Ecumenical Endeavor by Armin W. Schuetze. Milwaukee: Northwestern Publishing House, 2000. 470 pages. Cloth. Reviewed by William Hassold The Evangelical Lutheran Synodical Conference of North America was a significant endeavor by Lutherans in the United States as they sought to achieve theological and confessional unity in what was for many of them…
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Avoid Them

Another Look at Romans 16:17–20[1]  By William J. Hassold              Paul’s directive in Romans 16:17, “avoid them,” has significantly influenced the attitude of some in the LCMS as to the proper way in which to relate to other Christians and even other Lutherans. This passage helped to shape the attitude of the fathers of the…
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Discovering Biblical Equality (Review Article)

By William Hassold Not only in the LCMS but also among so-called evangelicals (whose theology like that of the LCMS is based upon a high view of Scripture) is there an on-going discussion about the role of women in the home, church and society. Large numbers of evangelicals maintain that the Bible teaches that leadership…
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