Evangelical – What’s in a Name?

Rev. Eugene Brueggemann We live in a country and in a time when the religious word evangelical has been politicized. It is a term traditionally used to describe an expression of Protestantism which has thrived in this country practically from its beginnings. It emphasizes evangelism and a more or less literal reading of the Bible….
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Twin Towers of Babel and Confusion

Babel and Trump Rev. Eugene Brueggemann   Ancient history in the Book of Genesis records the attempt of the people in the Near East to build a city and a tower “with its top in the heavens,” by which they would “make a name for ourselves.” They didn’t get a building permit from God, the…
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Voter Identity and Being a Lutheran Christian

Pastor Eugene Brueggemann Editor’s Note: Following the recent US election, a Lutheran Christian raised a question in an online discussion forum about voter identity. Here is Pastor Gene Brueggemann’s response: Like you, Scott, I have many labels/identities. I am an aged white male, a widower, a father, a grandfather, a St. Louis-Seminary grad, a retired…
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Election Controversy

Pr. Eugene Brueggemann When I was a seminarian in the late ‘40s, we still heard a lot about the Election Controversy of the 1870s, a theological/ecclesiastical contretemps which fractured the newly created Synodical Conference. “Election” was shorthand for the doctrine of predestination. Fallout from the controversy poisoned inter-Lutheran relationships for decades. Election controversies do that….
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Is This a Bonhoeffer Moment?

By Pr. Eugene Brueggemann A Bonhoeffer moment is a moment of truth. It is a time of urgent necessity that is calling the church to bear witness to the truth when it is under prolonged and intense attack. Many American Christians, impressed with Bonhoeffer’s role and writings in the Nazi era, see parallels between then…
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The Stumbling Block

Eugene Brueggemann Eugene Brueggemann is a premier historian of Lutheranism in America. This article reflects his rich campus ministry experience at Kent State, Northwestern University and the University of Illinois in Chicago. He has also served parishes in New York and Colorado. A contributor to the online Daystar conversation posed this classic question: “If God’s…
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Heresy in Missouri?

Pr. Gene Brueggemann Heresy is a teaching which has the venom of the Serpent in it to poison the wellspring of the church’s teaching and life: the gospel of God’s gracious redemption of humankind revealed most clearly and convincingly in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth, the Word made flesh. Luther and…
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Lutheran Zionism

Why Seminex – Lutheran Zionism Editor: The divisions within the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS) predated The New Orleans Convention and the events leading up to Seminex. Eugene Brueggemann, digs deeply into the history of the church body, naming names, delineating theology, pointing out the politics, and expresses his love, admiration, and dismay to what…
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