Doing Theology with People who Have Disabilities

Arthur and Carol Wahlers Editorial Note: Carol and Art Wahlers have been in the forefront of the Missouri Synod’s advocacy for the disabled. They have authored numerous resolutions for the Northwest District and the synod on behalf of the disabled. Before his retirement Dr. Wahlers was dean of students, academic dean and special assistant to…
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Doing Theology in Our Christian Calling

Robert Schmidt It was an argument a third-year seminarian could not win. The professor, the sainted Henry Reimann, was teaching an elective called “The Nature and Function of Theology.” What is “theology” anyway? He suggested that in the history of the church, especially the Lutheran church, theology was the “critique of teaching and preaching.” In…
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Is a Woman without a Voice Justified?

Carol Schmidt “Doing theology” involves observing the effects of theological assumptions and doctrines on the lives of people and asking many questions. Today I wonder what justification means for a person whose voice is not allowed to be heard in the church and I wonder if the church that silences people believes in the gracious…
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