Lord, Bless This Mess, Please!

Reflections on the Baptism of Our Lord DayStar Conference Eucharist Stephen C. Krueger 1. What a mess! Tonight we DayStars are gathered as the community of faith around Word and Sacrament because we as a church are in a mess and we come from a synod that does not do well with mess (maybe that’s…
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The Priesthood of ALL the Baptized

The Priesthood of ALL the Baptized1 By Luther Engelbrecht2             As the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod struggles with proposals with regard to its corporate structure, there is a bigger challenge confronting the church body. This is the need for a deeper understanding and more effective response to God’s will and way regarding “who” we are and…
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Social Ministry and Church Fellowship

By David H. Benke The Radical and Subversive Nature of Ecumenical and Interfaith Social Ministry Efforts (And Why The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod Should Lead the Way in Participation) Or Looking For Prayer Wherever You Can Or Cristo Rompe Las Cadenas: Breaking the Bonds of Irony through Purposeful Christian Action  Introduction  We gathered in the lobby,…
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