Interpretations: Constitutional and Biblical

James Gruetzner Abstract It’s all a matter of interpretation! We often hear words akin to these, often with the implication that “interpretation” is entirely subjective, almost to the point of whimsy. Reality shows a more serious and less dismissive situation. What is often forgotten is that the interpretation of a given writing is itself context…
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Freedom to Serve: Women as Pastors

By Michelle Eckert            Since all Lutherans read the same scriptures and adhere to the same confessions, their vehement disagreement over the issue of women’s ordination might seem puzzling, at least at first. While some freely grant females a place behind the pulpit and the communion table, others insist adamantly that women may not fill…
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Luther’s Doctrine of the Two Kingdoms in Today’s World

By Eugene Brueggemann           All of us have a stake in the interface between religion and politics. Some of us support the agenda of the religious right, which stands for traditional values like opposition to homosexual behavior, for love of country and opposition to the slippery slope of secularism. Others of us emphasize equally biblical…
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Bombin’ Down the Avenue

By David Benke As a lad in Old Milwaukee, when drivers’ licenses were available at the tender age of sixteen, the only place to be and the only thing to do on a summer Saturday night was “bombin’ down the Avenue.” Wisconsin Avenue, that is. Slow driving down the straight wide center of the city….
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