Let’s Include Women in the Pastoral Office

Karl Wyneken Editorial Note: Can we talk? Can we talk about how the Bible is to be interpreted with regard to women’s ordination? In Germany the Selbständige Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche (SELK) has had a vigorous open discussion of the issue, as has the Lutheran Church of Australia (LCA). Karl Wyneken sought to raise the issue in…
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President Harrison’s 85%

By Karl Wyneken The fiasco in the wake of Pastor Rob Morris’s participation in the Newtown prayer vigil brings to mind a  prediction made by Matthew Harrison during his run for the presidency of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. In 2008, several years prior to the attainment of his goal of unseating former President Kieschnick at the…
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Becker’s Self-Giving God (Review Article)

By Karl Wyneken What will be the result if a gifted and erudite German Lutheran theologian on one of the more conservative mid-19th century German Lutheran faculties embraces notions such as the following? Consider— His desire, as he puts it himself, is “to teach old truths in a new way.” The overwhelming focus of his theology…
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Article on which the Church Stands or Falls

The Article on which the Church Stands or Falls By Karl Wyneken Matthew Harrison, recently elected president of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, foresees big things ahead for his denomination, thanks to the unrest in Christendom being created by one hotly debated issue. The issue is homosexuality, resulting in discord and division in some denominations that…
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